A sore throat is an infection that can be also viral or bacterial. It is most generally caused by a contagious viral infection, though graver throat infections can be caused by a bacterial infection. Bacterial sore throats react well to antibiotics as viral diseases do not. For viral infections, there are a lot of home remedies that you can take to cure a sore throat.
Effective home remedies for sore throat is you can prepare one cup of water, half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder combine well. Then rinse your mouth with this mixture two times a day can help give effective relief from sore throat.
A raspberry tea wash out your mouth is a very useful natural remedy for getting rid of sore throat problem. This gargle can be ready by pouring a cup of boiling water in excess of 2 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves and allowable to stand for 10-15 minutes. This mixture can then be cooled, strained and used as a gargling solution.
Next home remedy for sore throat a cup of milk and add a bit of turmeric powder and drink previous to going to bed. It gives the effective relief from the sore throat.
Next best natural remedy is onion. Cook one full onion, crush and eat with a small butter, salt and pepper. Otherwise you can eat fresh onion with little honey.
Another simple solution is chewed up some fresh ginger with a little salt on it. Ginger is a best remedy for sore throat.
The flavor cinnamon is also regarded as a helpful sore throat remedy. Crushed spice boiled in a glass on water by a pinch of pepper powder and honey is highly helpful in the treatment. The oil of cinnamon mixed with honey also provides relief form sore throat.
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